“Growing Food-Sensitive Cities for Tomorrow: How to integrate sustainable food systems and spatial planning for smarter city-regions in the 21st century?”, September 17th, 9:30-13:30, “Nave” (Building n.14) DiAP Open Space, entrance Via Bonardi 9, floor -1.

Di seguito il programma e le locandine.

09:30-10:00 Opening and introduction to the seminar theme

Alessandro Balducci ::: Polytechnic of Milan, IT

Rositsa T. Ilieva ::: Polytechnic of Milan, IT

10:00-11:30 Integrating Sustainable food systems and spatial planning: rethinking the research agenda

Philipp Stierand ::: Speiseraume.de; Weiling Akademie, DE ::: “Food Policy Councils: Recovering the Local Level in Food Policy”

Craig Verzone ::: Verzone Woods Architects, CH ::: “The Food Urbanism Initiative”

Viviana Ferrario ::: Università IUAV di Venezia, IT ::: “Harvesting sprawl? Agriculture-and-food-based strategies for restructuring the contemporary city”

11:30-12:30 Enriching the International debate: fragments from the Milan urban region evolving discourse and practice

Andrea Calori ::: Polytechnic of Milan, IT; Reseau International Urgenci ::: “The transition from local social networks to public policies as a way to regenerate territorial added values”

Pietro Lembi ::: Centro Studi PIM; Comitato Cascine Milano 2015, IT ::: “Agriculture, farm system, citizens: Projects for Milan”

Stefano Bocchi ::: Università degli Studi di Milano, IT ::: “Theoretical and practical tools for future agro-food system bioregional managers”

12:30-13:30 Discussion around the key points emerged with:

Corinna Morandi ::: Polytechnic of Milan, IT

Luisa Pedrazzini ::: Regione Lombardia, DG Sistemi Verdi e Paesaggio, IT

Alessandro Balducci ::: Polytechnic of Milan, IT


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