Thirty days for sending your paper for the II Edition of Rhegion United Nations 2030
Towards a New Space’s ORMA: Opportunity and Risks of new Modalities of Anthropization between sustainability, innovation and fragility for the territory
May 25th – 26th, 2022

Dear all,

in 2022 the II Edition of Rheghion United Nations 2030 will take place.

This Edition has the tiitle Towards a New Space’s ORMA: Opportunity and Risks of new Modalities of Anthropization between sustainability, innovation and fragility for the territory.

It will be in mixed mode, i.e. in presence and virtually.

After having addressed the 17 objectives proposed by the United Nations in a multidisciplinary way in the I Edition, in this one the focus is on 4 areas:

1. Scenarios of territories between cities and villages for the ecological transition

    Chair: Sandro Fabbro – University of Udine, Francesca Silvia Rota – CNR IRCrES

2. The ecological transition into the existing: challenges for the ancient and modern heritage

    Chair: Paolo Salonia – ISPC CNR & ICOMOS, Stefano Aragona – University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria

3. Energy Municipalities, Territory, Re-forestation, Water in the ecological transition: participation and monitoring 

    Chair: Stefano Aragona – University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Francesca Assennato – ISPRA

4. Small local steps essential for the ecological transition

    Chair: Gabriella Pultrone – University Mediterranea of Reggio Calaqbria, Fabiola Fratini – University La Sapienza of Rome

The reference to Rhegion, the ancient Greek name of Reggio Calabria, intends to highlight the importance of history and memory for the present and to propose scenarios for a sustainable future linked to cultural, material and intangible heritage.

Considering, moreover, that we are in the Region of Bernardino Telesio, author of De rerum natura iuxta propria principia, mentor of Tommaso Campanella, coming from Stilo (RC), who wrote The city of the sun.

All Sessions have the digital transition as common element.


Information for submitting the paper:

The II Edition of Rhegion is a Focus Event of the New Metropolitan Perspectives 2022, and the paper will be published – after a double blind check – by Springer

Paper submission deadline December 17th, 2021

February 6th, 2022 Notification to authors

February 17th, 2022 Author Registration deadline

Guideline for paper submission:

Participation fees

May 25th-27th, 2022 Symposium

We apologize for any multiple submissions

Best regards

Stefano Aragona

Stefano Aragona (Coordinator) – Dep. Pau, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria

Eng., Ph.D., Researcher in Town Planning, Master of Science in Economy & Policy Planning, Delegate of the University Mediterraneaof

Reggio Calabria at the Universities for the Sustainable Development Network – RUS

Gabriella Pultrone – Dep. Darte, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria

Architect, PhD in “Planning and Design of the Mediterranea City”.

Assistant Professor in Urban Planning – Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria.

Member of the University Quality Committee (PQA)


Francesca Assennato – Geological Survey of Italy, Institute for environmental protection and research , (ISPRA)

PhD in Energy and environment. Head of Land Monitoring Unit. Geological Survey of Italy – ISPRA (Italian Institute for Environmental

Protection and Research). Responsible for ISPRA in relevant EU funded projects (H2020 EJP SOIL, Nellife4drylands). Main topics:

land monitoring, impacts of urbanization, land degradation and desertification, ecosystem services, land use planning, urban



Sandro Fabbro – Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture (DPIA), University of Udine

Graduated in Urban Planning at the University Institute of Architecture in Venice, PhD (1993), currently is associate professor.

Scientific director of international and national research projects, he has almost 200 registered research products


Fabiola Fratini – Faculty of Engineering “Sapienza” Rome University, DICEA

Architect, PhD, professor of Urban Planning at the Faculty of Engineering “Sapienza” Rome University, DICEA.

The main research field developed is sustainable urban regeneration. On this topic from 2015 she experimented methodologies

and tools to support citizen empowerment and to release small actions for long-term strategies in the neighbourhood of San

Lorenzo (Rome)


Francesca Silvia Rota – CNR IRCrES

Researcher at CNR IRCrES. She holds a Ph.D. in Territorial Planning and Local Development. Her research interests include local

development, competitiveness, sustainability and resilience


Paolo Salonia – Director of Research associate of Institute Sciences Cultural Heritage – ISPC CNR,

ICOMOS IT Advisor and Executive Board Member, Roma

Architect, former Director of the Institute for Technologies Applied to Cultural Heritage of the National Research Council

Research Director Associate at the ISPC-CNR and ICOMOS IT Advisor and Executive board member

For reviewing Rhegion 2020 Edition:

– Celebration of the entry of the Mediterranean University into the Network of Universities for Sustainable Development – RUS

– Itervention of On. Roberto Morassut, Undersecretary to the MATTM

– Session Rhegion UN 2020 – 2030