In order to cover still ongoing research programmes Territorial Sciences, the international scientific journal of the Territorialist Society, decided to extend to 15/10 the current Call deadline. Therefore, we again invite interested scholars to submit papers for the publication of vol. 12, no. 2, whose core theme is “Renewable energy communities, territorial heritage and just ecological transition“.
Gli articoli dovranno essere trasmessi – mediante inserimento sulla piattaforma online dedicata, accessibile previa registrazione da https://oajournals.fupress.net/index.php/sdt/about/submissions – entro il 15 Ottobre 2024 e saranno sottoposti all’abituale procedura di revisione tra pari in doppio cieco. Potranno essere accolti testi in lingua italiana, francese, inglese o spagnola solo se dotati dei requisiti sostanziali e formali indicati nella Call. Nella loro redazione, gli autori dovranno attenersi strettamente ai criteri redazionali specificati nelle linee guida (scaricabili da www.societadeiterritorialisti.it/…/SdT_SubmissionGuidelines2022-IT.pdf), con particolare riferimento alla parte relativa all’oscuramento dei dati personali, e somministrare testi completi di ogni elemento addizionale ivi richiesto.
Trovate in fondo alla pagina il testo completo della Call.Per maggiori informazioni: rivista@societadeiterritorialisti.it.
Articles must be submitted – through the dedicated digital platform, accessible after registration at https://oajournals.fupress.net/index.php/sdt/about/submissions – by 15 October 2024 and will enter the usual double blind peer review process. Papers written in Italian, French, English or Spanish can be accepted only when complying with the substantive and formal requirements the Call indicates. Drafting must strictly comply with the editorial standards specified in the guidelines (downloadable at www.societadeiterritorialisti.it/…/SdT_SubmissionGuidelines2022-EN.pdf), with a special attention to the part concerning darkening of personal data, and submit texts complete with every additional element required therein.
Articles must be submitted – through the dedicated digital platform, accessible after registration at https://oajournals.fupress.net/index.php/sdt/about/submissions – by 15 October 2024 and will enter the usual double blind peer review process. Papers written in Italian, French, English or Spanish can be accepted only when complying with the substantive and formal requirements the Call indicates. Drafting must strictly comply with the editorial standards specified in the guidelines (downloadable at www.societadeiterritorialisti.it/…/SdT_SubmissionGuidelines2022-EN.pdf), with a special attention to the part concerning darkening of personal data, and submit texts complete with every additional element required therein.
Please find below the full text of the Call. For further information: rivista@societadeiterritorialisti.it.