La Young Academics Network di AESOP, l’Associazione Europea delle Scuole di Pianificazione, invita giovani studiosi a presentare la propria candidatura per collaborare con il professor Alberto Magnaghi a scrivere un libro sui temi che hanno animato e animano la sua opera. Info di seguito e su, per contattare l’editor Chiara Belingardi scrivere a

Call for authors: Booklet on Alberto Magnaghi
Parent Category: All News Items
Category: YA News
Published: 13 July 2022
Call for Young Academic (YA) authors to work in collaboration with distinguished Prof. Alberto Magnaghi and another YA author reflecting on his work in planning theory and practices. This is a great opportunity for the YA authors to work on the booklet with direct guidance from Prof. Alberto Magnaghi.
This booklet project presents conversations with influential planners (PP) in theory to reflect on the path of their careers and discuss how they inspired and addressed the development of planning theory. It aims to provide an introduction to their theories and ideas: what and how they contributed to the field of planning; what and who influenced the development of these theories; and how this implicated/ reflected on planning debate in theory and or practice. Accordingly, it focuses on their contribution to academic literature. At the same time, it considers significant people and events that have influenced the evolution of the PP’s ideas and themes.
The suitable candidates should be interested in territorial planning, sustainable development, participation and commons. The approximate word count for the booklet is 20.000 words (developed in two parts: the first part consisted of a draft prepared by YA author(s) and of 12.000 words; the second part with interviews PP’s peers, followers and critics, and another 8.000 words). Most of the booklets were co-authored by more than one YA member – one being the lead author or coordinator. We welcome candidates interested in being lead authors and co-authors (please write us your preference). Authors and Editorial Board schedule together timeline and deadlines. Ideally the work will start in October 2022. Prof. Alberto Magnaghi and the editorial board of Conversations in Planning YA Booklet will select the candidate.
Please submit a brief CV and a short write-up (maximum 500 words) on your interest in the project by September 30th. If you have any queries, please send us an email: We look forward to hearing from you. You can access our already published booklets here.
Download the call
Contact Editor Chiara Belingardi (
On behalf of
The Editorial Board of Conversations in Planning Theory and Practice
The Coordination Team of the AESOP Young Academics network