Il centro Einaudi con il supporto della Fondazione CTR,  indice un premio di 1500 euro per i migliori 3 paper sul tema “Rural economies, evolutionary dynamics and new paradigms”. Requisiti per la partecipazione (tra gli altri, età inferiore a 35 anni) e dettagli qui di seguito.

The Centro Einaudi with the support of Fondazione CRT launches the 7th Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award. Young researchers are invited to submit papers – NEW DEADLINE March 29 – on the subject: Rural economies, evolutionary dynamics and new paradigms.
The Award is open to researchers born after December 31st, 1984 (BA, MA or PhD).

Topics of interest thus include, but are not limited to:

  • the local and global restructuring of the rural economy
  • the economy of the mountain areas
  • rural capitalism and finance
  • the mountain-rural-urban divide
  • rural-urban relationships and flows
  • strengths and weaknesses of the rural firm
  • environmental policies and the payments for ecosystemic services
  • self-help and self-determination in the rural communities
  • the political representation of the rural areas
  • protection and development of rural villages

The authors of the three best papers will be awarded a prize of 1.500 Euros (gross) per paper and they will be invited to present their work at the Giorgio Rota Conference that will be organised in May 2019 in Turin. The workshop date and programme will be published on the Centro Einaudi website (

Participation to the conference is mandatory in order to be awarded the prize. The Centro Einaudi will also refund up to a maximum of 1.000 Euros for travel/accomodation expenses to Turin.