University of Rome La Sapienza, Via del Castro Laurenziano 9, Roma

November 14th 2014, 11:00–17:30

Presenters: Manuel Aalbers, Alberto Vanolo, Cesare Di Feliciantonio, Ramon Ribera-Fumaz, Alessandra Prampolini, Antonella Carrano,

Discussants: Alessandro Coppola, Francesca Loi, Pierpaolo Mudu, Simona De Rosa, Giovanni Attili, Daniela Festa

Alle 19:30: visita agli spazi occupati Nuovo Cinema Palazzo e Communia, P.zza dei Sanniti

Organized by: Filippo Celata and Cesare Di Feliciantonio




While European cities are struggling to cope with recession, austerity, foreclosures, rising inequalities, this open seminar will address the question of what’s left and what’s beyond three decades of neoliberalism at the urban scale. Is the crisis creating opportunities for progressive urban transformations, or is neoliberalism still – and will remain – the dominant technology of power? As radical reactions take often the form of grassroots activism, localism and the creation of autonomous spaces within cities, may urban neighbourhoods and communities insulate from the invasiveness of neoliberalization, and even indicate the way to a post-neoliberal future? Does the term ‘neoliberal’ help in understanding today’s urban political economies – and its opponents – or is it unable to grasp the varieties of contemporary capitalism?