Please find enclosed the call for paper in English, French, Portuguese, German and Italian for the 2nd international conference of the Collège international des sciences du territoires (CIST), which will take place in Paris on the 27th and 28th of March 2014.


Thank you in advance for transferring widely through your networks (see summary below).

Deadline for submitting papers: 15th of September 2013

Further information available in French and English on the dedicated website: Translations in Spanish, Russian and Arab are under way.


CALL – summary

Territories are both a social construct and a materiality observed by different disciplinary fields. This broad interdisciplinarity is a difficult, yet necessary, pioneer front. Another frontier to be crossed is the all too frequent gulf between researchers and the actors of territorial development. Territorial data are a field that offers opportunities for fertile debate. The second international CIST conference aims to clear new and uncharted ground in this area. The call for papers covers six central topics.

Topic 1 – Local data, citizen data, social demand

Topic 2 – Regional integration and territorial cohesion: a comparative perspective

Topic 3 – Critical approaches to mobility, territoriality, territorialization

Topic 4 – Territorial science: the pioneer fronts of interdisciplinarity

Topic 5 – Images of territories. Media and representations

Topic 6 – Territorial Information Systems to address new scientific problems or social practices



Marion Gentilhomme


bureau 625, bât. Olympe de Gouges

Collège International des Sciences du Territoire (CIST) – Université Paris Diderot UFR GHSS, Case 7001, 75205 Paris cedex 13

+33 (0)1 57 27 68 57


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