Abstract submission deadline is June 30, 2013.


See attached file



Dear all,

You are warmly invited to submit abstracts for the 5th AESOP Conference on Sustainable Food Planning, to be held in Montpellier, France, on 28-29 October, 2013.

Urban food systems have received increasing attention in recent years. Food policies can indeed improve urban sustainability, in particular in relation to issues of health and nutrition, education, economic development, environment and social cohesion. Conversely, cities and urban regions are gradually emerging as relevant scales and major forces driving the sustainability of agro-food systems and fostering food justice.

This 5th conference will focus on innovations: how can the actors of various value chains supply more sustainable food to cities? What roles can linkages with rural areas play in food and nutrition security for urban citizens? What processes and actors are best placed to promote the integration of food issues in urban policies? What is the role of consumers? What role does cultural diversity play in new urban food strategies?

This 5th Conference will feature three parallel tracks on flows, land and governance:

1.      Flows: this session will try to rethink urban foodsheds by taking into account the flows of people, goods, materials and knowledge that create urban food systems and reshape rural/urban linkages. Can we evaluate the flows of products and define an ideal food provisioning area for the city? Are logistical issues different according to the size of the city? How do long- and short- distance migrations change the urban demand for food and linkages to rural areas?


2.      Land: Farming for the City. This session will focus and urban agriculture promoting dialog between agronomy and social sciences. How does land tenure impact urban food systems? How do farmers adapt to an urban environment? How can healthy food be produced on buildings, wastelands and brownfield sites?


3.      Governance: Towards Food Justice. This session will focus on the barriers and challenges to an enhanced participatory governance of urban food strategies. It will identify lessons from concrete experiences with the aim of developing policy recommendations.


Building upon the first four Conferences of the AESOP thematic group Sustainable Food Planning in Almere (2009), Brighton (2010), Cardiff (2011) and Berlin (2012), the conference will promote discussions between researchers and practitioners from across disciplines, approaches, and national provenances in the global North and the global South.

Participants will emphasize evaluative, systemic, comparative or territorial approaches, in order to cross the traditional disciplinary boundaries within both public policy (agriculture, planning, environment, etc.) and scientific disciplines (agronomy, economics, sociology, geography, urban planning, nutrition, political science, management, architecture etc.).


This event is organised by the two research labs UMR Innovation and UMR Moisa (that are joint research units from INRA, CIRAD and Supagro) and the UNESCO Chair on World Food Systems in connection with the research program SURFOOD (Sustainable Urban Food) funded by the Agropolis Foundation.


For further details, please find attached the call for abstracts or go the website http://www1.montpellier.inra.fr/aesop5/.

Do not hesitate to pass this information on to other interested parties, and I am happy to answer any questions personally.

All the best,


The organizing committee.


Chargée de recherche en géographie.

PhD, Researcher in Geography

INRA Département Sciences pour l’Action et le Développement (SAD)

UMR 951 Innovation – 2, Place Viala  34060 MONTPELLIER Cedex 1

Tel : +33 (0)4 99 61 20 63  / Cell: +33 (0)6 15 89 60 81

Fax : +33 (0)4 67 54 58 43


CV & publications: http://inra.academia.edu/ColinePerrin

UMR Innovation: http://umr-innovation.cirad.fr/accueil

Research project ANR DAUME : http://www1.montpellier.inra.fr/daume/

The next AESOP conference on innovations in urban food systems: http://www1.montpellier.inra.fr/aesop5/