January 20, 2013-  New call deadline for the issue BACK TO EARTH

n. 1 – Scienze del territorio Journal

The dead line for the submission of the papers –in original and English language-  for the evaluation of the “Scienze del Territorio” international journal is moved up  to January 20,  2013. That with the aim to widen the opportunity to adhere to the call and, at the same time, to allow for a better and accurate  evaluation of the papers that will be send for the Yearly Conference of the Territorialist Society  -“Back to Earth”- that will be held in March 2013. Among the papers that well be sent,  will be selected  the best three to be presented  during the conference.


20 gennaio 2013 new deadline for submission of articles

20 febbraio 2013 confirmation of the acceptance and/or request for changes

15 marzo 2013 final delivery



(new deadline: January 20, 2013)

“Scienze del territorio”, international Journal of the  Territorialist Society (www.societadeiterritorialisti.it), is inviting interested scholars to submit articles for the first issue of the Journal, “Back to Earth”, which will be online by June 1, 2013. Here attached the call text (in Italian, English, French and Spanish). Articles should be received by the Journal Editors (rivista@societadeiterritorialisti.it) by January 20, 2013, and will be subjected to peer review. Texts in Italian, English, French and Spanish may be accepted; for each one, an English version is requested. In writing, authors should follow the formal criteria specified in the call.

For further information: rivista@societadeiterritorialisti.it.