SdT Scienze del Territorio is the online Journal issued by the “Società dei territorialisti” (Territorialist Society). The Journal aims at hosting innovative studies and proposals focused on territorial heritage, addressed at reconciling the broad range of views, approaches and meanings given to places and to territories, which since too long have been separated in different disciplines and institutional praxis. The meaning which is given to territory is here that of a common good, of a collective and shared “work of art”, resulting from the layering of ensuing acts of socio-spatial reconfigurations. In the course of the time, the balance they reached, developing from local features and intrinsic settlement rationalities, has been related to a wise and respectful approach, as well as to a continuous and co-evolutive dialogue between nature and culture which generated cities, regions, agricultures, cultures, know-hows, knowledges, economies. Both research and action have to be improved in order to sustain planning and governance styles which re-start considering that wisdom. They are asked to be able to enhancing long-lasting knowledges and identities, within the present multiverse of needs and demands. They must be conceived as participatory and inclusive, and led to a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary reconstruction and strengthening of territorial sciences”

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The next numbers: the Journal has already scheduled the next four numbers. They will deal with the theme of the “return” which will be referred to four different contexts/situations, which are: Earth, City, Mountains, and Local economies. Here the “Return” is not intended as a move towards the past, but much more as the need of “changing direction” and also as a priority project, open to the future and working to overcome the present forms poverty is assuming. Critically questioning history, and territorial history in particular, it would be possible to better understand its sense and the wisdoms that were (and, in our view, still are) able at producing complex, dense, ecologically balanced landscapes.

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